Here Is How We Can Help You

Website Audits, Overhauls, and Optimization

The internet is often referred to as a jungle. As easy as it is to get lost in the jungle, so too, you can get lost on the internet. Not just you — your entire business. That's why you need a guide — someone to help you navigate through the technical jargon of the internet and find a clearing. A place to establish and grow your business. That's what website optimization is all about.

It has been said that most website users do not continue past the first twenty results of their keyword search. If you are not in those first twenty results, you will not be found by your target audience. Writing That Speaks can help optimize your site so that you will no longer be a lost wanderer on the internet.

Website Optimization includes:

SEO Copywriting

Why don't most website users continue past the first twenty results of their keyword search? It's the age in which we are living. They, like you and I, are very busy and want to find the information they need in as little time as possible. In fact, they do not have the time or patience to read through endless pages of boring copy. They scan. Therefore, not only does your site need to be found, it needs to contain inviting, scannable copy that will draw your audience in to take a closer look at what you have to offer.

There are many trees in the jungle and most of them look the same. The tree that is different — the one with the twisted trunk or the one with the curved branches is the one that captures the attention of the forager. Let Writing That Speaks help differentiate you from the crowd with SEO copywriting that will capture the attention of your audience.

SEO Copywriting includes:

Direct Response Copywriting

That tree with the twisted trunk may have gotten the attention of the forager, but did it also evoke an immediate response? Did the forager whip out his cell phone and take a picture? Did he immediately phone his buddies and exclaim, "Wow! You won't believe it!"? If this has happened, that twisted tree has done a job that no other tree in the jungle has done. Direct response copywriting does the same. It seeks to appeal to your audience in such a way as to evoke an immediate response — perhaps a request for more information or, better yet, a sales order.

Writing That Speaks understands the needs of your audience and seeks to speak directly to them, moving them to action.

Case Studies

Want to evoke an even faster response for your business audience? The best way to do this is with case studies. Case studies are highly effective in communicating the value you bring to the table, propelling other businesses towards you. They are really like a powerful magnet; they speak to your target audience and compel them to take action in favor of you.  Case studies written by Writing That Speaks turn satisfied customers into your most powerful sales and marketing asset.

Case Studies include:

  • Direct quotes from customers
  • First-hand details about the customer's challenges and needs
  • Reason for choosing your company
  • How your products or services helped customer solve problems
  • Benefits customers obtained from using your company
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) for online distribution

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